Welcome to TRI-CHOTOMY.

I'm just an averge age grouper blogging about Triathlon Training and this complex puzzle of juggling life, having fun and the Tri(als) and Tri(bulations) of "My Reality Show". With the Miami Ironman 70.3 race now in the books I've set a new goal, competing and completing Ironman Louisville 2011 in August. Twice the distance, twice the pain, twice the fun. As a warm up race and I never would have believed hearing myself say this, I'll be doing Ironman 70.3 Rhode Island in July. Once again I'll be sharing these experiences with my great friends Chris and Justin and look forward to the next several months of training and racing with them.

I'll share my training, race and gear experiences and hope you'll comment and even offer advice from your experiences.


"Pain is Temporary, Quitting Lasts Forever".

"Life shouldn't be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, cliff bar in one hand, Gatorade in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

"You can sleep when you're dead!"

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Couldn't wait for the doctor

I haven't blogged anything for a week but that's essentially because I haven't done anything for a week. As per the doctor's orders I stopped training in order to let this pneumonia I had get better and hopefully get at least 1 week of training in before Miami. My doctor's follow up is tomorrow but I couldn't wait till then so since I was feeling much better I decided to get a run in. At first I was thinking I'd run outdoors but I spoke with Justin and he had a good point, I should do it on the treadmill this time. It made sense. I didn't know if the cooler air might have an effect on my lungs if I wasn't 100% over this thing and I could also just stop if I needed to this way. So I set up the treadmill and started easy. After about 10 minutes I stepped up the speed a bit and everything was feeling good. I wasn't going very fast but at least I was going. At 15 minutes though my chest started to feel a little tight. Nothing bad but definite tightness there. I kept going but at 40 minutes I decided to stop for a couple of minutes and then started up again. The tightness didn't completely go away but it did lessen and I ran another 20 minutes for a total of 1 hour. I ended up running 10 km, a 6:00 pace, but in real world running probably more than 10 km. I always seem to work harder on the treadmill for the same results as outdoor running. I was happy to get back to training and I'm hoping the doctor doesn't do something silly like put the kybash on me continuing. I have 1 week left of training and this would normally be part of my taper but I'll have to cut the taper back to 3 or 4 days.

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