Welcome to TRI-CHOTOMY.

I'm just an averge age grouper blogging about Triathlon Training and this complex puzzle of juggling life, having fun and the Tri(als) and Tri(bulations) of "My Reality Show". With the Miami Ironman 70.3 race now in the books I've set a new goal, competing and completing Ironman Louisville 2011 in August. Twice the distance, twice the pain, twice the fun. As a warm up race and I never would have believed hearing myself say this, I'll be doing Ironman 70.3 Rhode Island in July. Once again I'll be sharing these experiences with my great friends Chris and Justin and look forward to the next several months of training and racing with them.

I'll share my training, race and gear experiences and hope you'll comment and even offer advice from your experiences.


"Pain is Temporary, Quitting Lasts Forever".

"Life shouldn't be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, cliff bar in one hand, Gatorade in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

"You can sleep when you're dead!"

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Busy day

Busy but not with training. I'm heading off to LA tomorrow and have a ton to do before leaving. The biggest of which is completing the pool closing. I started on Sunday and it shouldn't have been an issue finishing the same day but just as I was getting started .... poof .... the pump doesn't start up. I'd turned if off 3 weeks ago because the pool wasn't getting used any longer so there was no point in wasting electricity. For whatever reason it now refused to turn on. Well I wasn't about to drop $400-$500 on a new one at this point but I still needed to drain water from the pool to close it. So I went to Canadian Tire and purchased a cheap submersible pump, connected the garden hose and threw it in the pool. Four days later the water level finally dropped to below the jets and I could finish up. So here it is Thursday and I had to deal with the closing on top of breaking down and packing my bike and all my clothes and gear I'd need for my 10 days in California. I cleaned the pool up as best I could, skimming all the leaves out, removing the jets and plugging them up, running around getting chlorine and plumbing antifreeze and dumping 10 litres into the pool and getting the tarp cover and netting ready. I couldn't cover the pool myself so Ryan was coming over after work to help me with that. In the afternoon I took the P3 apart and packed it into the case. I used plenty of bubble wrap and foam to protect it form the gorilla baggage handlers but I am always so leery about what I'm going to find when I unpack the bike. Today's training was short. I just wanted to get into the pool and stay loose so I went in the evening and only did 1200 m. Not much distance, 2 sets of 500 m and a 200 m cool down but I did them at a 2:12 pace. Then I sat in the therapy pool and let the hot water and jets work on my back and shoulder while I waited for Chris to finish his session. One more sleep and off to Lotusland.

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